
MMW has been advocating for women and girls in Sierra Leone for over 10 years. Over this period we have impacted thousands of lives, through informational podcasts, connecting people to local services and guiding women and girls through the local legal or medical process.

After 10 years of distributing podcasts across rural areas of Sierra Leone, in 2022 we averaged more than 60,000 listens every month. This reach has been achieved through our network of local, trusted community champions spreading our podcasts throughout their local neighborhoods.

We average 40% male engagement. Men play a critical role in championing women and girls rights as they currently hold much of the power, by engaging them and helping them understand the importance of raising women’s voices and strengthening their rights, change will happen. Our podcasts has led to a change in men’s behavior towards their wives, sisters, friends and other women in their lives.

Through MMW’s innovative fish farm training course, using podcasts as the primary training material, 35 women have been empowered with skills on fish farm construction and management. Women now have the knowledge to construct natural fish ponds, pond management, harvesting and record keeping.

We have built robust partnerships with local organizations across Sierra Leone, increasing our efficiency when tackling issues. If a woman has experienced sexual assault, we bring local support services together—such as the police family support unit, legal aid, and medical providers—to support her through the process of achieving justice.

MMW Journalist Alinah Kallon facilitates a discussion between rural community members on gender equality and economic empowerment

From Our Listeners

Impact Stories

Kenema: Widow Wins Land Rights

Kenema: Widow Wins Land Rights

Women in Sierra Leone have long faced land ownership discrimination. Despite a new land rights law enacted in the summer of 2022 that promoted gender equality, many women remain deprived of the right to own inherited land. In response to a podcast about women’s rights, Hawa, a widow who lives in a Kenema district village, approached Zainab Sheriff, MMW Makeni Senior Journalist, about her struggle to take possession of inherited land. It had been confiscated by her uncle, Pa Bockarie. The dispute had been stuck in the court system for nearly three years. Sheriff’s extensive research and reporting led to a podcast that included this and several other examples of land rights disputes affecting women in rural Sierra Leone. Sheriff’s investigation resulted in the local village chief inviting three chiefs from nearby villages to discuss the case. They resolved it, awarding the land to Hawa.

Makeni: MMW Consortium Demand Justice For Rape Of Young Girl

Makeni: MMW Consortium Demand Justice For Rape Of Young Girl

In May 2022, Jane Kamara (not her real name), an 8-year-old child, was sexually assaulted by a driver for one of the banks in Makeni, who threatened to kill her if she told anyone about the assault. MMW, as part of a consortium of the Community of Practice (COP) composed of gender-based and child-protection activists, took the lead in pushing for justice for Jane. Due to MMW’s persistence and advocacy, the perpetrator was eventually arrested and sentenced to 20 years in jail on one count of sexual penetration. MMW’s diligent action, supported by the COP consortium in Sierra Leone, shows how community organizing is key to confronting serious societal problems such as sexual violence.