Partners & Donors

We could not serve our communities without the support of our donors and partners. A heartfelt thanks for their dedication to improving the lives of some of the most vulnerable people on the planet.


Africell in Sierra Leone: Provides fast and reliable mobile network coverage and related technology services to over 16 million subscribers.

Oak Foundation

Oak Foundation in Switzerland: Pursues rights-based approaches, gender equality, and partnership with the organisations we fund

Close the Gap International in Kenya: Provides high-quality, pre-owned computers donated by European and international companies to educational, medical, and social projects in developing and emerging countries.

Internet Society Foundation in the U.S: Champions the use of the network as a critical technical infrastructure that can bring communities better education, healthcare and economic opportunity among other important areas of focus.

Urgent Action Funds

Urgent Action Funds: Providing funds to support movement during critical threats and unanticipated moments of advocacy.


Internews: Train journalists and digital rights activists, tackle disinformation, and offer business expertise to help media outlets become financially sustainable.


Madre: International women’s human rights organization and feminist fund. We partner with community-based women’s groups worldwide facing war and disaster.


AmplifyChange: A consortium of women’s rights in development organizations led by Global Fund for Women, and African Women’s Development Fund, and MannionDaniels

International Partners

Paris Peace Forum in Paris

Dechert LLP in London

SOFEPADI (Solidarité Féminine pour la Paix et le Développement Intégral) in Bunia and Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Women@The Table in Geneva